2023 is not going to be a quiet year, oh no sir!


2022 Has been somewhat of a quiet year, “in the hangar for maintainance” as they say.
But, the rickety aviation machine did some test-flights over the Autumn and the fuel-tank is being filled up for (hopefully) some amazing loop-de-loops in the coming year!

Troughout the past year I’ve been apprehensive of a return of lockdowns, switched tasks at the day-job and had a bit of a dry-spell concerning creating music. I was just not really coming up with new ideas for songs or projects and the material from 2019-2021 had become somewhat stale to my ears. So, from the summer onwards, I decided to only accept gigs by request while finding a way to relight the old fire of creativity.

Then came a string of gig-requests in Autumn, which kicked stuff into gear again.
I started getting fun cover-song ideas and to reignite my own writing I started reading about songwriting.
And, listening to more music. To be fair, last year I didn’t listen to music that often but once I picked that up again I really got new ideas going. There was this day late november when I wrote 8 drafts for new lyrics!
In addition I cooked up a novel approach to write the music to go with those lyrics!
If that works out well I will certainly share that method, and might even if it doesn’t!

What to expect once 2023 gets going?
– A new and different Video Project on Youtube, something you might not have expected and it’s a thing no one else is doing ATM
– New Studio Recordings on the streaming services. Covers (played “incorrectly”) to start, later some new originals?
– More gigs! festivals! (at least I’ll try!)

Hope to see you around in 2023!

Until then, keep a-rocking and start following my Youtube channel if you haven’t done so yet. The next few weeks I’ll post some cover song videos and you’ll be set to see the new special project as soon as it goes live!

Happy Holidays!

Guido/Beechcraft Bonanza.

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